I've always heard good reviews on Lancôme mascara, yet it seem a lot of people I've chatted to haven't ever tried Lancôme, well at £22 the Lancome Hypnose Drama Mascara won't be a impulse buy but I thought more people may of tried it. Lancôme in my eyes in famous for their Juicy Tubes which I loved when I was younger. Didn't we all.
Apparently Lancôme are on of the best selling mascaras in the world, according to Lancôme themselves, I couldn't find any proof? Never the less I brought it. Claiming to curl and create volume I was excited to try this. The packaging is fairly boring, consisting of a silver box (which obviously I would throw away before I photographed it) and a black tube. Black packaging is always going to be a classy simple option but a bit of decoration wouldn't go a miss. The brush looks nothing like the photo on the Lancome website either, no way is it that bushy. Lancome made it look like a foxes tail....bit of photoshop there I think.
The brush however is quite unusual, curved, but to me not a normal curve, if you see what I mean? But I found this was great for really getting to the bottom of my lashes and coating them well. I struggled a bit with my bottom lashes as I smudged it a bit, but I do always make mess all over my face when applying mascara. Clearly one of my talents. I really love the formula of Hypnose Drama too, right from the first application which is rare for me as I normally prefer mascaras once the formula is less 'wet', but this was perfect from the off set. This is defiantly one of the 'blackest' black mascara I've ever used and really created volume without clumps (hurrah) and even curled my lashes and stayed put all day.
Overall, dare I say this...Hypnose Drama may be my favourite mascara. Ever. Okay, it's a draw then between this and my Benefit They're Real. Tough call and at £22 it's pricey but not impossible to replace.
Lancome Hypnose Drama Mascara - £22 available from Lancome
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