Favourite accounts on Instagram | Mascara and Maltesers | UK Beauty Blog

Favourite accounts on Instagram

 My Favourite accounts on Instagram

Its no secret of my love for Instagram. Who doesn't love pretty, dreamy and slightly over edited photos? Plus you can stalk, sorry, browse your exes brothers girlfriends holiday shots from 2013 in complete secret. Unless you double tap...not speaking from experience of course...but back to what Instagram is really for, and that would be inspiration. And here are four of my favourite Instagram feeds that you need to be following.

agirlobsessedblog | This is makeup heaven for anyone who has a slight interest in makeup, and if you're obsessed you can guarantee this is a account to add to your life. Mandy has even made the Nintendo 3DS cool again. Yep, it can be done.

frockmeimfamous | The perfect mixture of beauty, fashion and lifestyle. But Hayley's OOTD pictures are my favourites. How can someone be that Pinterest worthy in life?

april_todd | Flowers and selfies, what more could you want from a account? Well not much else. Except it would help if April was ugly and a horrible person then I might not envy her as much.

hayleyappleford | Any meal documentations catch up my eye, but Hayley throws in some stunning pictures of herself (again, eurgh) and some lifestyle shots making her feed (no pun intended) one I get excited to see with a new upload.

Do you follow any of these on Instagram? Who else should I be following?

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