Weekly Wax: Primark Coconut and Vanilla Creme Candle | Mascara and Maltesers | UK Beauty Blog

Weekly Wax: Primark Coconut and Vanilla Creme Candle

Primark Coconut and Vanilla Creme Candle Review
Primark Coconut and Vanilla Creme Candle

I don't always shop in discount/cheap shops, I promise. But the lure of Primark is always too much, and a candle for £2? It would go against every candle addict instinct I have to ignore this. Plus coconut and vanilla are two of my favourites scents, so naturally this made me very excited.

As you can see, I've already burnt it quite a bit, and considering the low price of this candle, it has burnt down well and I have had quite a few hours burn time. Its only now its gone a tad wonky, but nothing stop me burning it. I don't think I am quite harbouring a fire hazard, yet.

Okay, so onto the important factor of scent, or lack of should I say. This is a weird one, it smells in the packaging, it smells standing there not burning. I light it? It stops smelling. This is like anti candle, and so disappointing as I wanted to fall in love with this and stock up saving my bank account from my shocking Yankee Candle addiction, but I just can't. Sorry Primark, but this is very much just a lump of wax.

Primark Coconut and Vanilla Creme Candle - £2

Have you tried the Primark Candles?

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