Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review | Mascara and Maltesers | UK Beauty Blog

Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review

Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review
Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara The Review

Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review Tube

YSL are still heavily promoting their Baby Doll Eyes mascara, and it was either between this and the Shocking. And I want shocking eyelashes, end of. This comes in the famous gold packaging that I love, it really feel and looks expensive, which it is!  Also with the embossed YSL logo and shiny golden box to make it feel extra special. I know it's only card and plastic but I just love this in my makeup bag, and it looks pretty. Did I mentioned that? The only downside is it can look a bit grubby if you pick it up with moisturiser or foundation on your hands, mine often looks like a child had grabbed hold of it. It's quite hard to see the brush, but it's a plastic wand with different length bristles, perfect for combing your eyelashes, as you do.

Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review Wand

Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review Brush
Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara Review Result

I'm impressed. The formula is thick and so black, honestly the blackest mascara I've ever come across in my mascara travels. This translates on to the eyelashes too, and if you wiggle the wand at the base of your eyelashes you really don't need any liner. At first being slightly wet made it hard to work with but once it tried up a bit I fell in love. This does everything - lengthens, thickens, curls and pretty much just makes your lashes, well shocking! 

The lovely Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara stayed put all day, and night, and even passed a night out on the town with no smudges at the end of the night. And nope, no touch up or fixes required!

This is very much a dramatic mascara and I would say if you prefer something a bit subtle then Baby Doll Eyes would be your one. Again, slightly pricey at £23, but in my opinion completely worth every single penny. Especially if your a mascara-o-holic like myself! This is my new favourite mascara. Ever. Sorry Lancôme and Benefit, you've served me well.

YSL Shocking Mascara -£23.50

Have you tried Yves Saint Laurent Shocking Mascara

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